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As IoT solutions steadily become more pervasive, the security threats posed by bad actors are growing as well. Hackers are targeting IoT devices with greater volume and sophistication. Malware is one of the most effective — and costly — intrusion methods.
IoT malware attacks take many forms. Whether its a phishing scam or an in-cloud attack, enterprises must be ready to protect their IoT systems from malware of all types. Examine the main ways threat actors try to infect IoT devices and systems with malware.
Today, as connected devices proliferate all industries – becoming mission-critical solutions for more and more organizations – and the number of operating devices skyrockets, enterprises must take concrete steps to bolster the security of their IoT system. Fortunately, while hackers and bad actors do represent a serious threat, there are ways companies can protect their IoT systems and devices. Here are five ways organizations can protect their IoT systems from malware.